The Book
During each historical period, a new definition of female beauty unravels itself, although women remain eternally women with their traits and seductions. It is not merely the expression of the intimate desires of the painter, but the revelation of the true 19th-century beauty cannons. Renoir directly retraces a reality of the body's existence for men and women of the 20th century with its appeal and surprising shapes. Renoir, a painter who loved women, exteriorises his sensibility through the use of colours. Patrick Bade decrypts with simplicity these beauties of the past. Through this voyage among the artist's work, one finds women who express their emotions and tell us with a cunning sensuality, "we were made of flesh and blood, we have given and received love".
The Author
Patrick Bade is a leading art historian, international guest speaker, and senior lecturer at Christie’s Education in Modern Art Studies. A respected authority, he has written numerous publications, including books on Beardsley, Renoir, and Rops, also published by Parkstone.
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